• Question: As a female engineer, do you think you are treated the same as a male engineer?

    Asked by exit020ham to Tiziana, Mahnaz, Anna on 2 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Anna Zakrzewska

      Anna Zakrzewska answered on 2 Mar 2020:

      Definitely yes! We treat each other equally and in my job I have never felt any gender discrimation.
      I admit that it wasn’t always easy when I was studying, as girls were only about 10% of the whole group. I faced some challenges that would bring doubts if that was the right path. After speaking to my colleagues I realized that boys similar doubts, they may just act more confident on the outside.

    • Photo: Mahnaz Rashedi

      Mahnaz Rashedi answered on 2 Mar 2020:

      to be honest it is not always good, specially in male dominant industry but when I look at it through the past years, I should say it has changed a lot in a positive way. so we keep continue to get the optimum point.
