• Question: Was there ever any problems that made you feel like giving up?

    Asked by Marragh to Aislinn, Sinead, Padraic on 11 Feb 2015. This question was also asked by 329beb38.
    • Photo: Aislinn Coghlan

      Aislinn Coghlan answered on 11 Feb 2015:

      Hi Marragh,

      This happens all the time! The worst is when you work really hard on a solution and then it doesn’t work. That can be really frustrating, and sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away from it for a few hours and come back with a fresh mind.

      I’m happy to say I dont htink I’ve ever actually given up on a project though. As much as I wanted to sometimes!

    • Photo: Sinead Quirke

      Sinead Quirke answered on 11 Feb 2015:


      Yes at times I have felt deflated because of lack of progress and have wanted to give up. Uusally what I do is then walk away for a couple of days, focus on something else, and then go back and try to figure out a new strategy for solving the problem.

    • Photo: Padraic Morrissey

      Padraic Morrissey answered on 11 Feb 2015:

      Sometimes I can feel like that after working on some projects! Especially if I am working really hard and things aren’t going to plan. I usually try to take a step back from everything and break the problem down to small pieces which I can do. Usually that does the trick!
