• Question: What do pilots do at the front of the plane I am a junior infant

    Asked by 492beb37 to Sinead on 9 Feb 2015.
    • Photo: Sinead Quirke

      Sinead Quirke answered on 9 Feb 2015:


      The pilots fly the plane by typing lots of information into a computer about where they are going, how heavy the airplane will be and what the weather will be like. They talk to the air traffic controllers who make sure that none of the airplanes crash into each other. Think of running around the school yard very fast – you don’t want to crash into any of your friends, so the air traffic controller would be like your teacher telling you which side of the yard to run in so that no one bangs into each other.

      There are lots of computers on the airplane and they make sure that these do all the things they are supposed to. They also push the control colum (like a funny steering wheel) to get the airplane to take off and land.
