Hey Freddo!
It’s really hard to describe where the inspiration for some creations come from. A lot of the time it just happens naturally when you’re working on a project, because one step usually follows another. You really need inspiration when you’re stuck on a problem though. When I get stuck, I usually go for a run to clear my head and forget about the problem. Then when I start again I can look at things from a different perspective. That’s what works for me anyway!
I focus on making the right side of my brain working and turn off the left who is my dominant logical side. The left side is great but not very creative. I also collaborate with other people particularly those I know are creative.
Sinead commented on :
I focus on making the right side of my brain working and turn off the left who is my dominant logical side. The left side is great but not very creative. I also collaborate with other people particularly those I know are creative.