• Question: What is the most boring part of your job

    Asked by Katie Clohessy! to Aislinn, Padraic, Fiona on 9 Feb 2015. This question was also asked by Amy Healy.
    • Photo: Aislinn Coghlan

      Aislinn Coghlan answered on 9 Feb 2015:

      Hi Katie,

      The most boring part of my job is definitely the documentation! You have to document everything in a particular way, and get it signed off by up to 8 different people. This can be very time consuming and I would definitely rather be solving problems!

      It is a very important bit of the job though. If something was left out a patient could get harmed by the medicine we make, and the safety of the product is our number 1 priority!

    • Photo: Padraic Morrissey

      Padraic Morrissey answered on 10 Feb 2015:

      Like Aislinn, the most boring of my job is documenting work and writing reports! It takes ages to do and I’d much prefer to be in the lab testing or working on something new. Luckily it’s only every couple of months that I have to do big reports…so that’s not too bad!
