It depends on what you mean by better. Of course some are better because they might have more money, better facilities, award winning scientists/engineers – but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it will make you a better scientist or engineer. Although it help if you have all of those but it isn’t everything. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford are world renowned in their field but unfortunately not everyone can go there. Here in Ireland, all colleges are pretty much on the same level however some colleges might offer you more specialised courses in the area that you are interested in.
I’m going to say UCD because I went there AND it offers the opportunity to do all types of engineering in a common first year to pick what you like best. It is very strong for power, telecoms and biomedical engineering.
UCC is also quite good. The DITs are very good for hands-on engineering at a technician level.
I have to say NUIGalway as I did my degree there 🙂 But it is very strong for engineering – they have a brand new engineering building as well since I left that is state of the art and Galway is a great place to go to college. But having said that all of the Universities are great, and there are lots of options!
Yes I suggest that universities are better but I didnt get high enough points for a university so I went to an IT. I have always enjoyed working hard at engineering and found that my qualifications are well recognised.
There are university rankings that you should look at for each subject and also go to the open days of a few you have shortlisted. When I did my degree QUB was number 1 in the UK for electrical engineering.
The other thing to bear in mind is that university is also about growing up and becoming responsible so if you choose one far from home you will have to do that.