A photonic device is basically a circuit that allows packets of light called photons to pass through it. Its the same as a set of wires except its usually made of glass – like fiber optics. Its what brings broadband to many homes (or lights up some Christmas trees).
Most electronic devices can cause a fire if they are not used in the right way or they are built in the wrong way. Fibre optics are so common, they are used for broadband, tv, sensors, cameras for medical use etc…
They’re not dangerous and to be honest, I’ve never come across optical fibres as a fire hazard. Maybe those cheap Christmas trees that don’t meet safety standards.
#SPOT commented on :
john g my dad says that fiber optics can cause a fire
Laura commented on :
Most electronic devices can cause a fire if they are not used in the right way or they are built in the wrong way. Fibre optics are so common, they are used for broadband, tv, sensors, cameras for medical use etc…
They’re not dangerous and to be honest, I’ve never come across optical fibres as a fire hazard. Maybe those cheap Christmas trees that don’t meet safety standards.