• Question: What kind of light house would you be making (and your holigram duck is amazing it looks so realistic)!

    Asked by 477enea52 to Laura on 12 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by 492enea52.
    • Photo: Laura Tobin

      Laura Tobin answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Hi! Sorry I didn’t get to answer all of your questions. Thanks.

      The duck in the photo is real, it’s our model that we use. It looks green because I have the green laser shining on it. Here’s a pic of another hologram that we made, it’s of Wall-E and it’s on the screen behind me https://twitter.com/SylviaLeatham/status/519788593641181185

      So, my Lighthouse is not a real light house as such. The UN has declared 2015 the International Year of Light. I want to spend the money on creating “Lighthouse”, a mobile pop-up darkroom – basically giant tent that’s dark on the inside. It’ll be a marquee with blackout curtains and lots of interesting optical experiments and illusions inside.

      The problem is that the cool optical experiments that we can do requires darkness. For example, it’s very hard to see lasers in daylight. This Lighthouse will be a large marquee with blackout curtains to make it nice and dark. It’ll be like a House of Horrors but without the scary stuff, just really cool light stuff and optical illusions.

      This Lighthouse will travel around the county at the different science festivals. I hope that if I get to make this happen that you can come and see if and see all the cool stuff you can do with light.
