
Laura Mehigan
Curriculum Vitae
University College Cork
I've a degree in Electrical Engineering
Work History:
I've mainly worked in the electricity industry
Current Job:
Energy Researcher
About Me: I live in Cork with my husband, 3 kids and our goldfish Jojo. I'm an electrical engineer working in energy research. I love GAA, Harry Potter and visiting the beach.
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I grew up in Cork near the sea but surrounded by fields. Growing up I loved rowing in the sea, cycling, and playing tennis. I love brainstorming and solving problems and that’s why I decided to study Engineering when I finished school.
My Work: I research how the electricity we use can be made cleaner and help fight global warming.
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The energy we use every day for transport, for heating and for electricity has to come from cleaner sources. The way we do it now using fuels that produce carbon dioxide and other green house gases (gases that turn the earth’s atmosphere into a greenhouse) is part of the problem causing global warming. We need to stop the rate at which the world is warming to prevent harmful climate change where we have droughts, flooding and less land for people and animals and trees to live on. My work looks at electricity or power systems. It looks at how we can still have electricity for all the things we want to do like cooking, playing computer games, and so on but doing it with more renewables and reducing the use and eventually stop using fossil fuels. I’m really interested in the next few years until the year 2030 as what we can make happen in the next few years could make all the difference to saving our planet.
I build models of the power systems in Europe on my computer using some very smart computer software and I put in limits to make sure that the power system model reflects the limits of a real power system. Once the model is built I use it to explore a lot of “what if” questions – like what if people use less electricity? what if we build lots and lots of wind and solar farms (farms that produce power from the wind and sun)? What if the weather changes from the way it has normally been? What if everyone owned an electric car? And so on. By answering these questions I can figure out what things need to happen for different situations or if there are somethings that we can do that will help no matter what?
My Typical Day: Every day is different. I spend the first 2-3 hours reading new research from other people, the next 2-3 hours is spent on building or studying the results of my latest power system model and the next 2-3 hours is spent writing up my results or writing new research reports or papers.
What I'd do with the money: I'd use the money to buy some equipment that I'd use when I'd visit schools to show them how electricity works.
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Building electrical circuits can be done really cheaply with a few bits and pieces like batteries, a peg board, some wire, a bulb etc but it can be really fiddly. For kids trying to build a circuit for the first time, it can be really disappointing if it doesn’t work because of a loose connection and results in frustration. There are kits available that click together almost like lego that can make it much easier to build circuits and learn more about electricity and I’d like to buy some of these for my outreach activities.
My Interview
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Not being afraid of change - it's always exciting to try something different and new even if it can be a little scary at first
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Nobody in particular but no doubts everyone around me influenced me some little bit
What was your favourite subject at school?
Maths and Science
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to solve problems
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Probably but for the most part I remember school being a happy time
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
A surgeon - but I'd have to get over my fear of gory stuff
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I'd wish to be healthy, happy and a trip to Legoland
Tell us a joke.
Q How do you get a squirrel to like you A: Act like a nut