• Question: do you believe that the earth is spherical??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Asked by Name Pending... to Niamh, Ned, Laurence, Colin, Aisling on 7 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Ned Dwyer

      Ned Dwyer answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Well it is not spherical. It is a lumpy potato! THE ESA mission GOCE has helped us understand more about the shape of the Earth and it is not nice and spherical like we think it is. FInd out more in this new scientist article: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20335-earth-is-shaped-like-a-lumpy-potato/

    • Photo: Laurence O'Rourke

      Laurence O'Rourke answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      It isn’t spherical as Ned has pointed out already – it has parts sticking out further than others, which makes it mostly spherical. Certainly it’s far from the flat earth which was assumed many centuries ago; and being in space is the best way to see it visually.

    • Photo: Colin Shirran

      Colin Shirran answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      It’s not perfectly spherical, but if you mean do I believe it is spherical as opposed to it being flat, then yes of course I do.
