• Question: in the irish sea is there any new species found

    Asked by jeff to Ned on 7 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Ned Dwyer

      Ned Dwyer answered on 7 Mar 2016:

      Hi Jeff,
      Scientists and engineers are always carrying out research in the seas and OceanĀ“s around Ireland looking for new species. One of the most exciting discoveries in recent years are the cold water corals located many hundred to a few thousand meters deep in the Atlantic to the west of Ireland. Previously people though that corals only existed in shallow tropical water. These deep water corals were discovered by underwater vehicles with cameras and other equipment. Some Irish researchers were very involved in these studies. These corals are associated with hydrothermal vents. Basically these are places where hot water, rich in minerals comes out of the ocean floor. Very colourful corals (which are living creatures) thrive in these areas. However we need to protect these areas from deep sea fishing, where nets dragged across the corals can completely destroy them. Check out this short video: http://www.lophelia.org/corals/video-introduction
