Hi there, yes I believe in the big bang having taken place about 14 billion years ago as there is considerable proof the universe expanding. If it is expanding then it must have been a single “point” at one stage. For humans on Earth, I think comets and asteroids have a lot to play in it. When the solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago the Earth was a very very very hot place where there was no possibility of water or life forming. When it cooled down, then where did the water & organics (making up the DNA in our body) come from. The theory is Comets and asteroids. With Rosetta, we’ve been able to prove this theory is close to reality.
That is the ultimate question! All the evidence sems to point to a “big bang” and the fact that all plants and animals have eveolved over time to what they are today. We even see today that plants and animals eveolve and adapt to new situations, so I beielve that this process has been going on since the beginning of time. However, what was there before the big bang and how it got to be there – I have no idea!
I believe in the evidence that points towards the big bang and evolution yes. When you understand what evolution means and how a small single cell organism can over a huge amount of time (billions of years) evolve into what we have today it really seems like the most likely interpretation of how we got to be how we are today. How life initially began at the smallest single cell scale is the biggest question, that we don’t fully understand.