Good question which puts us all nicely on the spot.
My favourite changes everytime I see an answer from them so one minute it’s Niamh, then its Colin, then its Ned and then its Aisling. As you can see, they’re all my favourites, just at different times 🙂
Niamh seems really bubbly and she has a really cool job mixing acting teaching and engineering. Niamh rocks! Now you make me feel guilty for leaving out the others. I am sure we all rock in our own ways!!
I think that any Irish people who are ACTUALLY working in the Space industry are fascinating to me, because I could never figure out how to do that when I was in school and college. So whenever I meet an Irish person who has achieved that, I’m instantly fascinated. Aisling, Colin, New & Laurence have all done that, so they’re all my favourites. If I had to narrow it down after that, it gets really difficult. I would probably put Aisling first because she’s a woman engineer like me and I really admire women who succeed at the career they love. She also works at ESA. Doubly-cool. But then Laurence also works in ESA too…. They’re all amazing!!
It is difficult to pick favourites, but I guess that is part of the competition. If I was voting, I would probably vote for Niamh as I met her before when she came to ESA as part of a project she was doing (interviewing Irish Engineers) and she really does so much in so many different areas, using her technical background to spread the Space and Engineering word… sorry guys, I am impressed with you all also, even as an engineer myself I am still amazed at the totally different areas of the Space world that Irish people work in. Small but mighty 🙂
While I do find everyone’s answer extremely interesting, although it can be difficult to read what everyone else says with the amount of questions we get in the chat sessions!
I would have to say that Niamh offers a very interesting different perspective to the questions we get since she comes from a slightly different background than the rest of us. Plus she can be very articulate with her responses and actually works in the science communication field. Plus she has met astronauts so I’m kind of jealous! 🙂
Ella commented on :
Thanks everyone!???