• Question: Do you believe in aliens?

    Asked by gabriel6780 to Norah, Kevin, Jenny, James, Dominic on 10 Mar 2017. This question was also asked by 622spch28.
    • Photo: James Harpur

      James Harpur answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      I definitely believe that there’s other lifeforms out there, lots and lots of them 🙂

      We are one of many planets going around a star that we call the sun. So how many stars are there then? Well there are on average, a 100 billion stars per galaxy, and there are approximately 100 billion galaxies in the universe, and that number is potentially a lot more. There are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on the entire planet Earth. A lot more.
      So it’s mind-blowing to think of how many planets there would be then and how many opportunities that is for life to form.

      It’s funny you should ask that because I was just reading a book yesterday that was talking about it and a quote that I found interesting which I think is relevant, an ancient Greek mathematician called Metrodorus said, “expecting life to exist only on Earth is like seeding a vast field and expecting only one plant to sprout”.
