Through the ages, billions of species of plants and animals have gone extinct. Us humans, along with all the rest of the plants and animals, are extremely lucky to be here. All species no matter how big or small, have that urge of survival no matter what. Yes we are better suited for the environment around us, but without that need to do survive, a species would not survive. So we all want to make sure we’re still here in the future.
We’re doing a poor job of showing it thou. There are genuine threats to global extinction now. Countries are still acting oblivious to climate change, leaders are now becoming more involved in nuclear arms again, and the advance of artificial intelligence appears to almost be an inevitability. However, these can be avoided.
Maybe one of you lot can be the next Elon Musk and save us all 🙂
I fully agree with James.
One nice way to think about the Earth, is that it is mankind’s spaceship!
That’s why Astronauts are always so impressed by and overwhelmed by their views of the earth when the go into space.
This was particularly impressive when the Apollo astronauts flew to the Moon. From there you could cover the earth with your thumb!
We need to take care of Spaceship-Earth