• Question: do you think we would be able to reach the Andromeda galaxy and when

    Asked by 787spcm47 to Eimear, James, Jonathan, Lána, Willi on 27 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: William O'Connor

      William O'Connor answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      It would be very, very, very difficult, and take a long, long, long time, even travelling as fast as possible.
      If you’d like me to give you some numbers, if you could travel at the speed of light (the fastest possible) it would take you about 2,500,000 years to get there.
      So I think I’ll stay at home.

    • Photo: Lána Salmon

      Lána Salmon answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      Andromeda is far away, quite a bit beyond our current reach unfortunately. Who knows when we’ll be able to travel that far!
