• Question: Has there ever been a time you wanted to give up on your dream

    Asked by Uche to Willi, Lána, Jonathan, James, Eimear on 27 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: William O'Connor

      William O'Connor answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      If you really believe in your dream, then even when it gets hard, you want to keep going.
      I’ve been lucky enough not to have to give up on many dreams.
      Maybe I’m not dreaming high enough!

    • Photo: Eimear Tuohy

      Eimear Tuohy answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      haha good question. Yes, there have been times where work has been very difficult and I’ve thought of leaving it. But during these times I think it was important to recognise that I was stressed and needed to take a breath, do something relaxing or enjoyable and they plan what I needed to do a t work. That is why I like sport or just going for a walk on the beach or in the countryside.

    • Photo: James Geary

      James Geary answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      Dreams change over time due to changes in circumstances, it is necessary to have to have the ability to adapt as necessary to meet these changes…..

      You should be aware of what you want and how to get it but also to what’s happening around you.

      Plan your life as you would plan a project, if you leave it to chance you may not get what you want…

    • Photo: Lána Salmon

      Lána Salmon answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      Things often get tough. But the hard stuff is often the most rewarding. When you work hard on a difficult problem and succeed, it is the best feeling!
