• Question: What are your aims as an engineer?

    Asked by Ciaranws to Eimear, James, Jonathan, Lána, Willi on 26 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: Lána Salmon

      Lána Salmon answered on 26 Feb 2018:

      I want to find out what’s out in space. Whether this means using telescopes on earth or sending satellites to get closer to space, I just want to be able to see what’s out there!

    • Photo: William O'Connor

      William O'Connor answered on 26 Feb 2018:

      I like to try to understand how things work, and to see how they could be made better.
      So I aim to try to use science, maths, and some ingenuity (trying to be a bit clever or inventive) to make things better, or to make new things that would make life better for people.

    • Photo: Eimear Tuohy

      Eimear Tuohy answered on 26 Feb 2018:

      To help understand the many complicated marine processes on Earth.

    • Photo: James Geary

      James Geary answered on 27 Feb 2018:

      To design, develop and deliver the most compliant solution as possible to meet the end user requirements.

      The Scientists that have defined the key performance requirements that they need in order to be able to meet their scientific needs. It is not always easy to meet these requirements due to technical or programmatic challenges so as an engineer I manage trade offs to find out what options are available and where the scientists may be willing to compromise in order to maintain compliance to primary mission objectives such as performance, quality and schedule.

      e.g. if it takes too long for a technology to be developed in order to be fully compliant to a scientists needs then the system may not be delivered in time for the scientist to use the data. In this case the scientist may compromise in order to get slightly less compliant data but faster.
