• Question: what would happen if the international space station exploded

    Asked by Jamie to Eimear, James, Jonathan, Lána, Willi on 28 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: Lána Salmon

      Lána Salmon answered on 28 Feb 2018:

      That would be a serious shame – not just the money lost, but the scientific value. The International Space Station is a representation of what humans can do when they work together, all over the world. Up to 6 people live up there 24/7, which is really incredible.

      Considering all the extra bits and pieces of metals etc. that would be floating around, there’s a lot of ‘space junk’ up in space already from old satellites etc. and this would add to that!

    • Photo: William O'Connor

      William O'Connor answered on 28 Feb 2018:

      Lana has answered your question very well.
      The International Space Station has done a great job over many years.
      It will go on working for a few more years, but after that it is not clear what will happen.
      But even when they’re finished living there, it would not be a good idea to blow it up!
      They’ll have to try to bring it down, which will be an interesting project for engineers!
