• Question: @connor, if you could invent a machine to help the elderly that isn't already invented, what would it be and why?????

    Asked by stannes18 to Conor on 10 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 10 Mar 2016:


      It would probably help them with memory. It must be devastating to live a long life only to forget it all. Also it is devastating on the kids and families of the people. Imagine taking care of your mum/dad only for them not to remember who you are? And you cant get upset in front of them or they will get upset? Its terrible.
      Unfortunately this is not my area of expertise – but I’d really like to see this get invented. And I’d really like to see the people that invent it get recognised for it – we should know the names of people that make amazing things imo. They are people we should celebrate – everyone should know their names.
