• Question: Have you ever been to a concert and if so to see who?

    Asked by stannes28 to Conor, Frederik, Ilaria, Jeffrey, Sarah on 29 Feb 2016.
    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 29 Feb 2016:

      The last concert I went to was a Materia concert which was lots of fun 🙂

    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 29 Feb 2016:

      I love music so I’ve been to loads of concerts! One of my favourites is the Electric Picnic festival (I’ve been 6 times!!!) because you get to see so many different bands – many of whom don’t usually play in Ireland. You can wander into different tents and discover new bands you’d never heard of before that are really cool.

    • Photo: Jeffrey Roe

      Jeffrey Roe answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      I love music. I must listen to spofily 3 or 4 hours a day. The last gig I went to was Fleetwood Mac in the 3 arena. I have plays to go to Download (http://downloadfestival.co.uk/) this summer. It’s been ages to since I have been to a festival.

    • Photo: Ilaria Cinelli

      Ilaria Cinelli answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      Oooohh yeah! I love this question! I have been to Guns n Roses, Thin Lizzy, Kaiser, Foo Fighters, Kodaline, The National, Beyonce and others.

    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 4 Mar 2016:

      I’ve been to a few concerts and festivals. I like music but I’m not crazy about it like most people – I’m tone deaf so alot of the rhythms go over my head. I prefer to listen to podcasts and story books usually.
