• Question: If you were to create a machine to improve the world what would it be and why?

    Asked by Stannes19 to Conor on 8 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Conor McGinn

      Conor McGinn answered on 8 Mar 2016:

      That’s a tough question – because the answer really depends on how I can interpret it. If I have unlimited resources and lets assume that technical feasibility isnt an issue – then I’d probably make a machine that could convert sand into food and water, or something like that. That would help ensure nobody starved. Or maybe some machine that could generate unlimited energy in a renewable way.
      But the reality is that this isnt likely to happen any time soon. I am constrained by what I can do – technology, my brain, funding all limit what I can do. So if I answer your question with respect to this – then I would say that the machines I’m working on now are probably my best shot. If I can develop machines that can give people independence in scenarios where they would otherwise lose it (an elderly person going to a home, a wheelchair user requiring a carer etc.) then I will be happy that I made my mark.
      What do you think our best efforts should be given to? Do you have an idea?
