• Question: What have you built?

    Asked by 652cdge52 to Conor, Frederik, Ilaria, Jeffrey, Sarah on 1 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      Mostly really big websites. In my company I’m makinga site that it used by business people to see what trips they travel on with work, which flights and hotels are booked and it gives live updates if there are delays at the airport.

    • Photo: Ilaria Cinelli

      Ilaria Cinelli answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      Mostly models. Models are analogs simulating human physiology (vessels, cells and others) using codes in different languages (c, matlab, fortran and others).

    • Photo: Jeffrey Roe

      Jeffrey Roe answered on 2 Mar 2016:

      This would be too long of a list if I put everything down so lets just keep it to the last year.

      In work,
      I created a system to allow people to pay for the parking at shopping centers. It saves you going back to a machine. You can just go to the exit and the gate will open for you.
      I created a system to allow a whole company to sign up under the one account. It saves them creating lots of accounts for each employee.
      I created a system that users a camera to read the car reg as you enter a car park and as you leave. It means you don’t even have to use our app to pay. You are auto billed.

      Outside of work its been a busy year.

      Laser Maze. A room you have to get though without hitting a laser beam.

      Light Houses. I created a workshop for kids to make light houses

      Laser Cut Badges. A friend of mine need some badges made for an event,

      Skull Radio. A device that lets you listen to music without using your ears.

      Boxes. I made these boxes to hold stuff on my desk.

      A Deer

      I worked on a team that used an EEG unit to read people’s brain waves and then 3D Print them.

      Desk Name Badges

      I was on a team that created a beef tracking system prototype.

    • Photo: Frederik Gossen

      Frederik Gossen answered on 9 Mar 2016:

      Software, Software, Software,… Games, Games, Games,…
      The coolest thing I did was a thron like game that you can play with your friends on one big screen. You can control it using your smart phones.
