• Question: what is coderdojo

    Asked by caoimhe100 to Sarah on 1 Mar 2016.
    • Photo: Sarah Doran

      Sarah Doran answered on 1 Mar 2016:

      Hey Caoimbhe

      Good question! CoderDojo is the name of a coding club you can go to for free to learn how to make your own games, develop your own websites, create your own robots etc.
      There are lots of CoderDojo clubs around the country. Most of them are on Saturday mornings but some are weekday evenings also. They are run by volunteers like me. You just need to sign up for tickets before you go along. Some CoderDojo’s have a waiting list but you might find one nearby. Check it out here: https://zen.coderdojo.com/?_ga=1.223033435.1171828114.1450782156

      Heres a video from the CoderDojo I’m involved in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V5uj7bfCwU
