• Question: I don't know what I want to be when I'm older could you guys help me please?

    Asked by SALSM11 to Cathal, Dave, Karen, Bobs, Roisin on 8 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Cathal Ó Murchú

      Cathal Ó Murchú answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      What do you love to do? Is there something that you enjoy more than anything else?
      That’s what you should do or be. I would recommend doing something you enjoy, because that is way better than spending your life doing something you hate.

    • Photo: Karen Barrett

      Karen Barrett answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I would say, that all depends on what you like to do…. What do you like to do at school? Do you have any hobbies or after school clubs. Do you like sports?
      It is always nicer and easier to do something every day that you really really like doing.

      For an example, engineers are problem solvers, they are people who are interested in how things work, how stuff goes together. Why the wheels do not fall off of cars that are going really fast, how an airplane stays up in the air, how do the really fast trains in Japan work.
