• Question: How many do you answer all these questions and do your work?

    Asked by grew021ace to Olga, Madhumidha, Connor, Canice, Aruna, Anthony on 5 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Olga Ormond

      Olga Ormond answered on 5 Mar 2020:

      🙂 Good question. It is really important to companies to know that in future years we will have new engineers ready to join the workforce. There is a shortage of people with the right skills in Industry4.0 right now, so it is important to make sure we have enough people with technical skills in the future.
      For more information on this you could look at http://www.industry4e.eu/careers/

    • Photo: Connor McGookin

      Connor McGookin answered on 5 Mar 2020:

      I take rather long coffee breaks

    • Photo: Aruna Chandrasekar

      Aruna Chandrasekar answered on 5 Mar 2020:

      I have 2 computer screens, so that helps 😉

    • Photo: Anthony Newell

      Anthony Newell answered on 5 Mar 2020:

      I think it’s important that young people understand about engineering and science so I’m happy to take the time to answer questions during my breaks.
