• Question: if you are recycling, does that help the environment?

    Asked by made021ace to Olga, Madhumidha, Connor, Canice, Aruna, Anthony on 10 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Connor McGookin

      Connor McGookin answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Yes, it helps reduce the amount of materials that are wasted. When something is not recycled in Ireland it is buried in a landfill which can cause water / soil pollution and damage not just the environment but also human health.

    • Photo: Aruna Chandrasekar

      Aruna Chandrasekar answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      yes, it does, as you reduce the amount of waste that is disposed into the environment.

    • Photo: Anthony Newell

      Anthony Newell answered on 10 Mar 2020:

      Yes because we need to use less energy and materials to make products or packaging and we don’t have waste building up in landfills or needing to be burnt.
