• Question: How does air get into your blood . And cells

    Asked by Dman456 to Pattie, Eoin on 28 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: Eoin McEvoy

      Eoin McEvoy answered on 28 Feb 2018:

      We breathe oxygen into our lungs. From there it is transferred into red blood cells in your blood, and pumped around your body to all the cells.

    • Photo: Pattie Mathieu

      Pattie Mathieu answered on 28 Feb 2018:

      Oxygen from the air diffuses into your blood through the alveoli in the lungs. Once it’s in the blood, it attaches to red blood cells and travels through the body. When it gets where it’s needed, it comes off the red blood cells and goes out into the cells.
