• Question: how long did you study to become an engineer

    Asked by 567heam33 to Eoin, Fiona, Ivor, Karl, Pattie on 6 Mar 2018. This question was also asked by 354heam22.
    • Photo: Fiona Freeman

      Fiona Freeman answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      It is a 4 year degree in college to become an engineer. I then did a further 4 years to get my PhD. I really like college!! 😛

    • Photo: Ivor Geoghegan

      Ivor Geoghegan answered on 6 Mar 2018:

      I did a four year bachelor degree course in general science, then another year long masters course in biomedical science, and am now two and half years into a PhD course in biomedical engineering
