• Question: whats the grossest thing you've ever done in anything :-)

    Asked by 623heam43 to Karl, Ivor, Eoin, Pattie on 28 Feb 2018.
    • Photo: Ivor Geoghegan

      Ivor Geoghegan answered on 28 Feb 2018:

      One research project I was working on was learning about how strong sheep’s lungs were. I had to get several sheep lungs from a butcher and then dissect them to get the part I wanted. When I had that sheep lung part, I then put it in a tester machine, which pulled it apart to see how strong it was. That work was very smelly and gross, but I enjoyed it very much and learned a lot

    • Photo: Eoin McEvoy

      Eoin McEvoy answered on 1 Mar 2018:

      Similar to Ivor, one time early in my research I was dissecting pig hearts, and one was full of clots and congealed blood. It’s not too gross though after you get used to it.
