
Laura Farina
Curriculum Vitae
Biomedical Engineer in Sapienza University of Rome
PHD in Information and Communication technologies
Current Job:
CURAM Marie Curie fellow at the Translational Medical Device Lab in NUIG
About Me: Italian biomedical engineer in love with travelling and electromagnetism
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I moved in Galway less than one year ago to work at NUIG.
I am from Rome where I lived most of my life.
I use to be a swimming teacher.
I love the sun, any kind of food, travelling, and meeting people.
My Work: Making new machine (medical devices) to help doctors curing people
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I work on the development of medical devices based on hyperthermic ablation techniques. These techniques use the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the tissue to induce the high temperature into the human body; like microwave oven does to heat or cook the food.
My Typical Day: I talk with my colleagues about our work, we identify issues and ways to solve them together. I have meeting, write documents, conduct experiments!
What I'd do with the money: I would donate them to TOADD Onlus
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TOADD Onlus is an italian NPO that manage a “little school” (Scuolina) in Addis Abeba. The Scuolina offers pre- and after-school activities for the kids living in the Yeka Forest, one of the poorest areas of Addis Abeba. I had the occasion to get in contact with this Organization through a friend volunteering at the Scuolina; and I saw the enthusiasm of the volunteers in building educating and creative activities with very poor means.
€500 could be largely used to provide them tools (e.g. the paper microscope – to get kids closer to STEM exploring activities and maybe discover interests and passions they could not discover otherwise.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
sociable, positive, hard worker
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
My uncle, I was the only one in the family following him while fixing things!!
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
A researcher!!
Were you ever in trouble at school?
yes, I was quite always ready to argue for what I believe in!
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
A swimming teacher or a nomad :) !
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Too many!!
What's your favourite food?
Eggplant!! in any way: they are the base for the best dishes ever!