
Orla McGee
Curriculum Vitae
Salerno Secondary School Galway
Bachelors of Engineering, NUIGalway. PhD, NUIGalway
Work History:
Trinity College Dublin 2018-Present
Current Job:
Postdoctoral Researcher
About Me: My name is Orla. I'm a biomedical engineer. I work in Trinity College Dublin designing new devices for the heart.
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I’m from Galway and I now live in Dublin. I love music, sport and travel. My favourites sports to watch are rugby, hurling and Gaelic football. In my spare time, I play Gaelic football, I play the guitar and hang out with my friends.
My Work: I look at designing devices to help children who have problems with their hearts.
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I work in Trinity College Dublin and I work with Doctors in Crumlin’s Children’s hospital to look at new ways of designing devices to help children who have problems with their hearts live longer and better lives.
My Typical Day: I arrive at work at 9 am and turn on my computer. I usually check my emails and then I use the computer to design new devices. I have lunch with friends and after lunch, depending on the day I might 3D print the devices I design or I used machines to test how strong the devices are and how they will work in the human body.
What I'd do with the money: I would use the money to put towards a project to develop STEM projects for The Olive Branch for Children orphanage in Tanzania.
My Interview
What's the best thing you've done in your career?
Traveled to America for a year
What or who inspired you to follow your career?
Helping make sick people better
What was your favourite subject at school?
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Not really.
If you weren't doing this job, what would you choose instead?
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Swimming with Sharks