• Question: what checks or balances do you use to make sure you don't make any mistakes?

    Asked by cameron to Tom, Sanjeev, Orla, Fiona, Cillian on 11 Mar 2020.
    • Photo: Fiona Malone

      Fiona Malone answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      So when I’m making a new material that needs to mimic a blood vessel, or the skin I do mechanical testing on it so that the values I get match the human values. That way I know the material I’m using is suitable. When I’m making the robot move, I do tests to make sure it is reliable and repeatable so that it moves the same way every time.

    • Photo: Sanjeev Kumar

      Sanjeev Kumar answered on 11 Mar 2020:

      I work on the development of electronic devices for healthcare applications. In my research, I do computer simulations, where I need to enter the dimensions and material properties of the device. Typically, a single simulation takes more than five hours to produce a result, and a minor mistake can lead to a big error and will waste a lot of time. Thus, the best practice I follow is to check the design parameters carefully, before starting the simulation as many times as I can or at least twice.
