• Question: have you made any new experiments on the subject dispersion

    Asked by 857metd29 to Alex, Antonio, Christina, Martin, Nicola on 9 Nov 2015.
    • Photo: Martin O'Halloran

      Martin O'Halloran answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Hmmm, what type of dispersion?

      I work in electromagnetics and radio wave disperses as it travels through a material. This means a radio wave can start out being narrow and end up being very wide (i.e. the energy is spread out).

      If the wave gets too dispersed, our images become really poor quality. To avoid this, we use software to fix this dispersion, so we get a really sharp image.

    • Photo: Nicola Greene

      Nicola Greene answered on 9 Nov 2015:

      Nope – very far from my line of work at the moment.
