My Work: I teach Mechanical Engineering at the University of Limerick
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Latest Question:Why was maths your favourite subject in school?
Latest Comment:how much do u get paid (1 comments)
My Work: Electronic and Computer Engineer developing apps and working with novel technology
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My Work: Making sure customers get prompt and immediate attention to their inquiries when thy make contact with Fraser Ross Ltd.
Latest Question:What inspired you to create your most recent piece of work?
My Work: Modelling of Additive Manufacturing
Latest Question:if you could do only one more invention/ experiment ever what would it be?
Latest Comment:what is your favorite animal (1 comments)
My Work: Engineer in Flooding Projects (find a solution for areas that flood often)
Latest Question:Do you keep our drinking water clean or the water we use for showers clean?
Latest Comment:How do you get water to flow up hill??? (1 comments)
My Work: I am trying to make a device that works like a human brain
Status: Currently Reading a paper from another group that made an implantable device to treat epilepsy
Latest Question:Hi Alice. What subjects did you do in school ?