• Question: What is your main goal right now?

    Asked by Chicken God to Alison on 5 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Alison Dufresne

      Alison Dufresne answered on 5 Mar 2019:

      Hmmm, my main goal.
      I usually say “to advance human spaceflight to the point of interplanetary population”… which is pretty broad and more of a lifetime ambition than current goal.
      Right now, my immediate goal for the day is to get a Peaceful Use Policy in place for my company so we can prove to other companies that you do not need to compromise your morals to work in this industry. That and finish up a project figuring out which chemical to add to our fuel to make it perform better.
      I like your profile by the way. I have nothing but the highest respect for ERUs.
