My Work: I test different materials to find out if they can be used to build satellites.
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Latest Question:Is engineering a job you can do but have spare time or are you constantly working on a project
Latest Comment:And the winner is… (1 comments)
My Work: I study the environment using a technique called remote sensing which means I use satellite imagery taken from the space.
Latest Question:If their is no oxygen in space then how in the picture of a flag in space is the flag moving and fluttering?
Latest Comment:Is engineering a job you can do but have spare time or are you constantly working on a project (1 comments)
My Work: I look at the oceans from Space using satellites, their surface structure over space and time, how it changes.
Latest Question:What is the best invention to help space? In your opinion.
My Work: As a Masters Student your day can vary depending on what subjects you choose to study.
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My Work: I look at satellite images and other maps to see how nature is disappearing
Latest Question:wow what kind of nature is disappearing. and what will happen to the earth if we dont reduce the number of fossil fuels
Latest Comment:What do you think will happen in ten years if we don't combat climate change? (1 comments)
My Work: I'm a space propulsion engineer!
Latest Question:whats the best material to use building satellites