• Question: do you do any of the work at home

    Asked by eimear12 to Colin, Caoimhe on 15 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Colin Keogh

      Colin Keogh answered on 15 Nov 2014:

      I work from home most of the time, doing reports research and projects. And building that needs to be done i use my workshops or the workshop in the university.

      I would work from home 3/4 days a week. I like it, its suits me very well.

    • Photo: Caoimhe O'Neill

      Caoimhe O'Neill answered on 18 Nov 2014:

      Yes I usually work from home 1 day per week which is great as it saves me the 1.5 hr drive to Belfast that I have to get to work. At home I can analyse test results, write up reports and plan lessons.
