You have to learn science subjects, especially maths and physics. You also have to learn to do things like write reports and give presentations using PowerPoint. And you have to learn how to have ideas and invent things – which is difficult at first but you can learn it.
You have to be able to learn from others, understand that you dont know everything and also be able to work with other people. Most projects have a team so you need to be able to work together.
You learn the scientific basics such as Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Dynamics, Mechanics etc..
You alp have to learn how to work with others on teams, as they are so important. You therefore must also learn how to present technical ideas to non technical people (Managers, Politicians, the public), to help people understand your problems and solutions.
You also have to learn how to question how things work, how to solve problems and how to make things better. You have to learn how to ask why, and how question if the current solution is the best approach.
When you’re an engineering you learn lots all the time. The most important thing to learn is that it’s ok to ask for help with something you’re really stuck on.