• Question: What's the worst thing about your job

    Asked by 454kvna44 to Lisa, Katie, David, Colin, Caoimhe on 12 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by #I'mAnEngine.
    • Photo: David Taylor

      David Taylor answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Deadlines! Things have to be done by a certain day and time. I think I’ve got plenty of time and then suddenly here comes the deadline. It’s like having to get your homework done on time…I’m afraid that problem never goes away.

    • Photo: Katie Mahon

      Katie Mahon answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      I love being busy, it makes the time fly – but sometimes it can get a little hectic! And then it’s a juggling act of getting as much done as possible, and upsetting as few people as possible 🙂

    • Photo: Colin Keogh

      Colin Keogh answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      Working with some many different people/groups on different projects can result in lots of wok that needs to be done at the same time. It means some weeks/months can be extremely busy, with lots to be done while others are relatively clam.

    • Photo: Caoimhe O'Neill

      Caoimhe O'Neill answered on 21 Nov 2014:

      When you don’t get things right and have to start again 🙁
