• Question: Why did you decide to move to California?

    Asked by Rachel Devaney to Lisa on 9 Nov 2014. This question was also asked by Emes Lenihan.
    • Photo: Lisa Phelan

      Lisa Phelan answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      I decided to move when I knew the learning I would get in the company over here. Boston Scientific bought a company in Silicone Valley that had a base product and the company needed folks from galway to develop the product so that it could be a commercial product that is manufactured in galway. I wanted to learn about the device so that I could be part of the research and development team to improve the device and work on regulatory submissions to bring the device to clinical trials and eventually available for sale around the world.
      It’s a great opportunity to live and work in a different country especially in silicone Valley were all the world’s best innovations are developing.
      I have had the opportunity to speak at a conference in San Francisco promoting Ireland and research in Ireland to about 500 people (American chemical society). We live beside Google so iv been to some talks there about developing apps for patient monitoring at home.
      There are lots of development and learning opportunities here and I’m just trying to make the most of them while I’m here.
