• Question: Are you ready for I'm an Engineer?

    Asked by modmichaela to Noel, nina, Ivan, Gowthaman, Diana, Alice on 28 Feb 2019.
    • Photo: Alice Selby

      Alice Selby answered on 28 Feb 2019:

      Honestly, I do not know, I can’t prepare and don’t know what other questions to expect – but I am excited!
      There’s an engineering day in NUIG this weekend and I’m looking forward to visiting, seeing other cool things are going on and getting hyped.

    • Photo: Diana Abrunhosa

      Diana Abrunhosa answered on 28 Feb 2019:

      I am looking forward for their questions. I’ve worked with students from primary schools to university level and their questions always amaze me!
      I am sure we will have a good time and hopefully, in a few years, have some new colleagues!

    • Photo: Gowthaman Parivendhan

      Gowthaman Parivendhan answered on 28 Feb 2019:

      Yes!! 🙂
