• Question: how will you go about making the human brain/ what materials will you use?

    Asked by 288prdq36 to Noel, nina, Ivan, Gowthaman, Diana, Alice on 11 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Alice Selby

      Alice Selby answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      I’m using and testing a few different nanomaterials. Oxides (containing oxygen) and Metals. They are placed on Glass microscope slides randomly and then using a conductor/metal plate, a current is passed through them – forming the different pathways, similar to how neurons in the brain work.

      All the materials are common enough, but it is how they are put together that makes it work.

    • Photo: Ivan Merrick

      Ivan Merrick answered on 11 Mar 2019:

      Pass. This is a subject called Bio-Engineering. It will become more and more important in future years and I would recommend it if you have an interest in biology and engineering
