• Question: If you could change your job what would you choose to be?

    Asked by Wispa7911 to Sita, Rory, Brian on 4 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Rory Scarrott

      Rory Scarrott answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I don’t actually know, I had wild notions of joining the Navy a few years ago, but there was a recruitment freeze on so my life would have been very different.

      Otherwise nursing as I do like to take care of folks, I just do it in a different way nowadays.

    • Photo: Sita Karki

      Sita Karki answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      I would want to be astronaut.

    • Photo: Brian OConnor

      Brian OConnor answered on 4 Mar 2019:

      Probably a teacher
