• Question: Do u enjoy discovering new things that will help our new generation

    Asked by Unicorn to Ellen, Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Andrea on 6 Mar 2019.
    • Photo: Ellen Simmons

      Ellen Simmons answered on 6 Mar 2019:

      Yes I really do! I love the idea that my children’s lives might be easier because of something I worked on. I’m really interested in sustainability – how can we make products that don’t contribute to climate change, can be recycled, don’t waste resources etc.

    • Photo: Andrea Pacheco

      Andrea Pacheco answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      Sure I do 🙂 it is very exciting to develop a project from scratch until it becomes a commercial device.

    • Photo: Ted Burke

      Ted Burke answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      I’d love to discover something that I really think was going to be a big help to the next generation. I don’t think I’ve done that yet, but I’ll keep trying!

    • Photo: Kevin OBrien

      Kevin OBrien answered on 12 Mar 2019:

      I don’t know if I can claim to have discovered anything, at least not yet.
      Everything I work on is based on discoveries made by people way smarter than me.
      The challenge of my job is determine how these discoveries can be best applied to the problems that I am trying to solve.
      We try to make product more reliable, more accurate, easier to use, and simpler to repair if they are damaged of wear out.
