• Question: Do you like your job

    Asked by Tommyboy 112!!!! to Ted, Kevin, S. S., Laura, Ellen, Andrea on 7 Mar 2019. This question was also asked by Big. Jay.
    • Photo: Ted Burke

      Ted Burke answered on 7 Mar 2019:

      Yes, I love my job. It involves a lot of creativity and I like the people I work with – teachers and students. Everyday I get to work on interesting new problems and I’m always learning new things, which is important to me.

    • Photo: Kevin OBrien

      Kevin OBrien answered on 8 Mar 2019:

      Yes, my job is great.
      It’s very varied and their are always be challenges, opportunities to learn, and chances to work with some great people, with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

    • Photo: Andrea Pacheco

      Andrea Pacheco answered on 13 Mar 2019:

      Yes I have great fun doing my job. I am always learning new techniques and applications of light. On top of that my job brought me to Ireland and I am amazed by Irish culture and breathtaking landscapes, I hope to get more opportunities to discover new countries and cultures while doing y job.
