Supported by SFI Discover Programme
Questions Answered by Patrick
if you had to die tomorrow, what would you build?
by puppyloverxx to Patrick
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how will robotics benefit our life in the future
by sara123 to Patrick
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what is your favourite thing about engineering
by 848rbtm26 to Patrick
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If you made your robot that can hold cameras etc… Would you use it for people not need or just regular Adults children
by 294rbtm22 to Patrick
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how much time do yoe need to build a robot
by miki1234 to Aisling, Cara, Dino, Graham, Patrick
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do you make robots for a living?
by Cian to Aisling, Cara, Dino, Graham, Patrick
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Are you ready for I’m an Engineer?
by modmichaela to Aisling, Cara, Dino, Graham, Patrick
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