Sita Karki
About Me: I am a scientist who believes in continuous improvement and problem solving.
Siddra Maryam
About Me: I am a PhD student in Biophotonics group at Tyndall National Institute, Cork, Ireland. I am doing research on early detection of oral cancer.
Rizwan Gill
About Me: I am talkative, and very social. I love making new friends. Furthermore, I do not like COVID-19 :)
Latest Question:
When do you think flying cars will be invented? -
Peter Megyesi
About Me: Experiment, code, teach, go under water, repeat :)
Nadeem Rather
About Me: i. I am Nadeem and I am a Ph.D. student working at Tyndall National Institute, UCC - I design new antenna and wireless communication systems!!
Latest Question:
When do you think flying cars will be invented? -
Mubashir Husain Rehmani
About Me: I am a Computer Scientist.
Melusine Pigeon
About Me: I am a passionate researcher who is always up for a challenge.
Latest Question:
What was/is your favourite thing/subject to research -
Marissa Britton
Latest Question:
No questions to show
Krishna Panduru
Latest Question:
How long a day do you work for? -
Konstantin Grygoryev
About Me: Tinkering and engineering is my hobby...
Jun Lin
About Me: I am a easygoing person and enthusiastic about my work.
Iman Abaspur Kazerouni
About Me: My name is Iman. I am 35 years old. I am working as Post-Doc researcher in Confirm, UL.
Latest Question:
do you think smart robots will take over the world one day -
Hui Wang
About Me: foodie lover and could cook well thanks to 8 years in Ireland
Latest Question:
How do you know if the software works or not -
Helena Mylise Sorensen
About Me: I am a PhD student in bioprocess engineering from Denmark, now working in Dublin City University. I love anything food and microbiology, and before working in DCU, I worked as a brewer making my own beers.
Erika Duriakova
About Me: I am a mum, an animal lover and a computer scientist.
Darragh Rogan
About Me: I live in Dublin 14, love travelling, photography/videography, and scooting around with my daughters. I am a degree qualified Chartered Engineer, working on a large industrial project.
Latest Question:
How would you desigin our classroom to be Covid safe? -
Conor Ryan
About Me: I enjoy finding out about how things work and why people solve problems the way they do.
Latest Question:
How long a day do you work for? -
Caroline Peres
About Me: I'm an Electrical Engineer from Brazil, currently finishing a Master's degree in Electronic Engineering at Tyndall National Institute. I love learning new things, playing videogames and doing papercrafts!
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Bhaskar Dhariyal
About Me: I'm engineering science.
Beth Macaulay
About Me: I'm an engineering research student with a background in chemistry.
Begum Genc
About Me: Hi there! I am Begum, originally from Turkey, living in Cork for the last 7 years. I am a great listener.
Aruna Chandrasekar
About Me: I am an optimistic, and cheerful person passionate about finding answers to simple questions in life. Even in my free time, I keep wondering, why is the leaf green, what makes humans laugh?
Latest Question:
How have you been during lockdown? -
Alessandra Mileo
About Me: I am Italian. I am a proud mum. Ah, and I would have probably been a rock singer if I didn't become a scientist :)
Latest Question:
How would you desigin our classroom to be Covid safe? -
Alan Diaz
About Me: I'm curious and with a twisted sense of humour.
Sergii Kushch
About Me: I am a dad, a cat lover and a computer scientist.
Latest Question:
What is the most interesting part of your job? -
Removed Engineer
Latest Question:
No questions to show
Mike Hinchey
About Me: I'm a software engineer, who has worked in the space industry (for NASA) and in universities in Ireland, USA, Australia and Sweden. Everyone assumes I love science fiction, which I don't - except Red Dwarf, but that's more comedy than sci-fi. One of my former students co-wrote the highest earning song of all time. Can you figure out what it is?
Latest Question:
What is a black hole made of? -
Andrea Federico
About Me: I can consider myself a sunny and active person. I always try to see the bright side of things.