Supported by SFI Discover Programme
Questions Answered by Kevin
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Have you ever won any prizes,if you have what is the biggest award you have won?
by LB_1107 to Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Ellen, Andrea
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What did you want to be when you were a child
by 722heaq37 and 3 others. to S. S., Ted, Kevin, Laura, Ellen, Andrea
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Do you like your job
by Tommyboy 112!!!! and 1 other. to Ted, Kevin, S. S., Laura, Ellen, Andrea
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whats your favourite colour
by 224heaq27 and 1 other. to Laura, Andrea, Ellen, Kevin, S. S., Ted
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Is there anything to do with engineering in running?
by LB_1107 to Ted, Kevin
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Have you any regrets as an engineer?
by LB_1107 to Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Ellen, Andrea
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what are chicken nuggets made from, are they real chicken????? ps: i know this may sound rude but PLEASE answer.
by 728heaq26 to Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Ellen, Andrea
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What inspired you to make pumps for people duiring surgery
by Xx Ali Hugh xX to Kevin
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What was your best solution/invention to make things work?
by ava_07 and 1 other. to Ellen, Ted, S. S., Laura, Kevin, Andrea
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